
39K+p reaction rate paper published in PRL!

Our high-resolution study of near-threshold states in 40Ca was recently published in Physical Review Letters! It was the first study to determine the proton spectroscopic factors of states important for potassium burning through the 39K(p,γ)40Ca reaction.

19Ne paper published

Our paper in which we unambiguously assigned spin-parities to the sub-threshold resonances in 18F(p,α)15O has been published! These findings significantly reduce the uncertainty in the cross section, greatly improving our understanding of fluorine production in nova explosions.

24Mg paper published

Our paper on our highly-detailed study of 24Mg and its influence on the sodium-oxygen anti-correlation in globular clusters has been published!

7Be(α,γ)11C papers published

Our papers on the direct measurement of 7Be(α,γ)11C at the DRAGON recoil separator have been published!

RatesMC Version 2 Released

The new, completely re-written version of RatesMC has been officially released! It can be found here:

21Ne paper published

Our paper on the structure of 21Ne and its influence on the 17O+alpha reaction rates in rotating massive stars has been published!

Bayesian DWBA paper published

Using the $^{70}$Zn(d,$^3$He)$^{69}$Cu reaction as a case-study, we developed a new Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to analyze Distorted Wave Born Approximation models of particle transfer measurements. Not only are we able to assign uncertainties to our extracted physical parameters (spectroscopic factors), but this framework provides us with a...

Paper on constraining the 25Al(p,γ) reaction accepted for publication!

Our research group and collaborators at the University of Edinburgh, UK, have recently had their paper on constraining the $^{25}$Al$+$p reaction rate in classical nova explosions. By studying the $^{25}$Mg(d,p)$^{26}$Mg, excited states in the mirror nucleus were populated and neutron spectroscopic factors were extracted. We measured the spectro...

Sulphur isotopic ratios in novae paper published!

We measured excited states in 35Cl using the 34S(α,p) reaction using the Enge split-pole spectrograph. By measuring angular distributions of the protons we were able to constrain the states’ spin-parities, and thus the sulfur destroying reaction 34S(p,γ) reaction.

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